Christine Chui

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity, shortage of talents, ineffective leadership, and
team silos threaten organizational performance and future success.
Christine has been supporting global organizations to strengthen their senior leaders and accelerate the building of a strong leadership pipeline to maximize their growth and results across the Asia Pacific since 2005.

Her coaching has immensely boosted leadership effectiveness, resilience, team performance, and the bottom-line metrics with the following reported impacts:
– Advancement of market position from #5 to #1
– Significantly increased profitability and productivity with ROI from coaching program up to 1500%
– Rapidly turned around derailing earnings-critical teams to achieve multi-million dollar improvement in revenue
– Transformed new senior leaders in high stake positions from failing to top performers

She has supported leaders in LVMH, AstraZeneca, AIG, ThyssenKrupp, Tesa Tape, Lanson Place, Wing Tai Properties, etc. Christine brings to her coaching more than 20 years of senior executive experience with global companies in five industries and worked in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Taipeh.

“I am so attracted to BLW by the versatility and ingenuity of its members, their
passion for personal growth, mutual enrichment, giving back, and making a
difference. “