Amy Wong

Amy is a digital entrepreneur with over 10 years of dedicated experience in Technology & Business Operation.

With an EMBA from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she was a Risk analyst at Citibank Hong Kong before becoming the co-founding COO of AQ Talent Lab, a career development mobile app with blockchain infrastructure.

Having extensive experience in digital content such as mobile games, short-form videos, and live-stream events, Amy is passionate about bridging the gap between technological leapfrog and traditional business practices. In 2020, Amy has founded Ariaa Company Limited, a digital content and partnership consultancy in Hong Kong.

Ariaa focuses on helping businesses with a tailored, sustainable digital solution that drives growth amidst the ever-changing global business environment. In contrast with digital agencies, Ariaa serves with a business owner’s perspective and provides a sustainable digital promotion and partnership model that aligns with the brand’s long term business objectives. Beyond social media and digital marketing, Ariaa uniquely provides partnership consultancy to help brands accelerate their growth (Both in terms of customer engagement and business conversions).

Being a dedicated Rotarian and an Alumni of the Chinese university EMBA program, I appreciate that there is no shortage of business networks and communities in Hong Kong. However, it is most rewarding when one comes across a community that focuses on personal growth as well as giving back. The theme of conducting business while giving back to society is a recurring one in my career so far and is exactly what attracts me to the BLW community.